Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Text book Induced Poverty!

Eventhough I am currently working full time (not for long! through no fault of my own), and yes, I have some money in the bank, buying text books hurts like a gut punch! Yo, I know that "a mind is a terrible thing to waste", but I'm starting to feel like a text book is a damnable thing to have to buy!

I now know why college students live off of Ramen noodles and mac & cheese, it's all they can afford after paying tuition and books! I just shelled out $214 for books for two classes. I still have two more classes to buy books for. By the time it's all said and done, my books will have cost me almost half of my tuition. What the bleep is really going on?

Thank God I'm not broke, but for real, getting an education can dog near put you in the poor house. How ironic. We are encouraged to get an education so that we can have more earning power but what they don't tell you is that you need earning power to get the flippin education. Go figure. If anyone would like send me some kraft macaroni & cheese please email me so that I can tell you where to ship it. I'm gonna need it! If anyone needs me, I'll be on a date with my textbooks. They cost me enough, so I might as well get my monies worth! :-)


At 8:34 AM, Blogger iaintlying said...

The good news is, I haven't used any loans. My schooling is being paid for as a result of my military service. I love the GI Bill!:-) Please send mac & cheese asap!

At 12:55 PM, Blogger S* said...

Wow, are you an ex-Marine or something?!

At 1:28 PM, Blogger iaintlying said...

Ex Navy and no, I was not a SEAL! :-) Served for 8 1/2 years.
As we get to know each other, I'll share some tales of debauchery with ya! You know I got some stories for ya!

At 3:04 PM, Blogger Piscean Princess said...

so all you gotta pay for is books?

At 5:00 AM, Blogger iaintlying said...

I pay for everything with the money that they give me. I get a tax free stipend every month. The amount that I receive is based on how many classes I'm taking. I will receive this benefit until I've maxed out the monies. My benefit doesn't expire until some time in 2008. It might last a little longer because they raise the amount every year.

The monies should get me my BA and the beginning of my MA/PhD. I'm determined to get good grades so that I can get grants/scholarships to finish my MA/PhD. I prayed to be able to go to school debt free and have been blessed to do so thus far. My Heavenly Father always gives me wisdom and insight so it always works out in my favor! :-)

At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's so wonderful that you're able to go to school thru the military. Sadly alot of folks don't take advantage of that benefit.

I work at a corporate company and have yet to take advantage of their tuition assistance program. i kick myself about that every day...but after reading your post, i'm gonna take the first steps on Monday and talk to HR about how to use the program.

thanks for the inspiration

At 7:23 AM, Blogger S* said...

Damali- You MUST take advantage. Tuition assistance kiss ass! I wish I had that.

My dad always told us kids to join the military to get money for school. For me, personally, it just was not an option. Who would suggest sending their then-95 lb ballet dancing, cheerleading, stubborn obstinate daughter into the army?! Bah!

At 9:12 AM, Blogger iaintlying said...

Yeah Damali! Go get em. It is an awesome experience. Be inspired and just start. Don't stop until you're done! I'll be here for ya
as you continue the journey.

I found that the littlest girls were the fiercest girls while I was in the NAVY. Actually with it being so male dominated, we were
all pretty tough before it was over and done with! I have no doubt that you would have kicked but and took names! :-)

At 9:47 AM, Blogger S* said...

Probably, but I have a terrible problem with authority. I hate being told what to do.

At 12:41 PM, Blogger Piscean Princess said...

Yeah, S*, me too. I knew that was never an option for me. I would have been kicked out within days.

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