Tuesday, August 15, 2006


I did something last week that I hadn't done in a long time: I went to the library. It was a soul freeing experience. As a teenager, I was an avid reader. I retreated into the world of books because it was one of the only peaceful places that I could find. In the course of taking on the "cares of this world", I lost access to the world of books. In doing so, I became one dimensional.
My views became rigid and unforgiving. I got a little self-righteous. I thought the Bible was the only book that I needed. Glad I woke up! I have begun to perceive truth in all I encounter . I am finding truth in poetry, truth in literature, truth in conversation with my fellow human beings regardless of background. One of my favourite authors back then, was Alice Walker. I have found her again. She herself is named "Truth" for the name "Alice" comes for the Greek word "Alethea" which means the reality at the base of appearance. Her last name means exactly what it says. She is a truth walker. Her voice is profound. I am reading her biography and I am astounded by the mark that she has made up to this point. I wanted be like her when I grew up. She was my first muse and mentor for I too am a poet. I actually won prizes for it growing up. I almost let the gift die. Through reading her biography, I am now encouraged to let every gift I have manifest whether it is readily understood or not. She has done so and is doing so. I have begun to recognize my duality in that I am human but I'm also a house in which resides the Divine. To be at peace with the entirety of ones self is to know peace that passes all understanding. Here is an excerpt from Alice Walker's poem " On Stripping Bark from Myself":
No. I am finished with living
for what my mother believes
for what my brother and father defend
for what my lover elevates
for what my sister, blushing, denies or rushes
to embrace

See, I'm not starting over, I'm starting, and I will not stop until I am done.


At 7:38 AM, Blogger Another Conflict Theorist said...


One thing I love about Sister Alice is not only her ability as a writer but her willingness to confront the problems of the "real world." In particular, her vocal opposition to the oppressive practice of female genital mutilation.

Keep on writing! As someone once told me: "Nobody can write your story for you."

At 8:36 AM, Blogger iaintlying said...

Thanks ACT! Your words are adding strength to my resolve! :-) You are welcome in da house. I remember reading "Possesing the Secret of Joy". That's when I first became aware of female genital mutilation.I found out that it also performed here in the US as quiet as it is kept. The only difference is that it is "professionally" done with sanitized medical instruments versus crude tools. Either way, that is one hateful thing to do to a body! I'm trying to get caught up on all of her books that I missed. I only have about 3 more to read and I would've have read everything that she published bookwise. Once, I'm caught up, I'll be jumping off into some Octavia Butler.

At 10:17 AM, Blogger Professor Zero said...

Good for you & thanks for this poem: exactly what I needed to read today!

At 8:11 AM, Blogger S* said...

I heard Toni Morrison a couple months back and boy did she hold the attention of the crowd. Not only is she a wonderful writer, but she's also an eloquent speaker.

At 8:17 AM, Blogger iaintlying said...

I was an avid reader of Toni also.
I'll have to see what was here last book I read and pick back up
where I left off. I think Beloved was the last book of hers that I read. I have also read Sula, The Bluest Eye, and of course Song of Solomon. Toni is deep man. I'm just so glad to have rediscovered the joy of reading!

At 11:55 AM, Blogger S* said...

Don't forget "Jazz". It's wonderfully lyrical. And then there's "Paradise" and "Love" to read as well, if you haven't.

At 12:40 PM, Blogger iaintlying said...

Cool! I'll start with Jazz and work my way through.

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Piscean Princess said...

I am a big fan of Paradise. I had to read it 3 times before I put all the pieces together, but what a lovely journey...

At 12:18 PM, Blogger Professor Zero said...

Days later--you know, it's funny, I have the same exact feeling, starting for the first time, not starting over. It is very freeing and cool.

At 2:30 PM, Blogger iaintlying said...

Be free, be cool, be YOU. Start and don't stop! :-)


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