Monday, July 31, 2006

Aiight den.......

So after being in the blogosphere for nearly 2 months without posting, I finally got a clue as to what do with my blog. I am going to put out my views with my slant according to the the truth and knowledge that I have and that I'm going to get. I going to tell it like it T.I. is. Some things I reveal may shock some who will read what I write. So be it. I will no longer hide who I am or what I feel about whatever I feel. I have always done my best not to rock the boat well this time, I'm steering the ship and hell yeah, I intend to jump off into depths unkown in some unchartered territories. I don't want to be one dimensional in my thinking anymore. There are some things that I want to know and somebody out there has got the answers. Bring'em. I'ma put it out there and we gon see what comes back. I'm not afraid of any topic and please oh please will someone help me get educated concerning politics! I see what's going on and it's quite frightening. I want to make sure that the next time I vote, I am fully informed. Yo uninformed voters are just as tragic as those who don't vote at all. Let's talk about sex. Let's put it out there about love and go ahead, lets throw religion up in this piece. It doesn't matter, it's my house. All thinkers welcome. Holla atcha girl.


At 9:27 AM, Blogger S* said...

Alright! I've been waiting for you to get it starting. I want to know the woman behind the "Iaintlying". And you've read my blog...I'm all for putting it out there exactly the way it is!

At 9:21 AM, Blogger Piscean Princess said...

Yeah, girl I've been stopping by periodically hoping that you will have something up now ya do & of course I'll be here. And if you aren't gonna tell it like it is, you might as well not blog - so hop to it!

At 7:52 PM, Blogger iaintlying said...

I'm getting 2 it!


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